Choose from an Oil Patels workshop, a Mixed Media Kandinsky inspired workshop, or both! Children doing both are welcome to stay on site between the workshops and bring a packed lunch with them. Children aged 8 and under will need a parent/guardian to supervise them during the lunch break.
Oil Pastel Workshop, 10:30am - 12pm - we will start with an introduction to oil pastels and blending colours and use these techniques to make a greetings card. We will then move on to making a beautiful A4 sunflower picture.
Multi Media Worshop, 12:45pm - 2pm - we will start with an introduction to Kandinsky’s work before creating a beautiful picture inspired one of his paintings, using collage, watercolour and oil pastels.
These workshops are suitable for ages approximately 7+ but please use your own judgement. Children aged 9+ are welcome to stay on site and will be supervised between sessions. They will need to bring lunch, water and any activities they’d like to do during the break.