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Fundraising Craft Cafe

Catherine Woodward, a local Stamford resident and regular at The Place Stamford, has been invited to represent the UK and compete in IPF World Masters Championships in Newfoundland, Canada. There is no funding available however and so Catherine has to fundraise for all the costs associated. We have decided that we would love to help and so on 31st August we are hosting a Craft Cafe to fundraise.

This is a drop in event open from 10am - 3pm. There will be a range of craft activities to choose from with something for all ages, with all activities priced individually.

Please note we will only be taking our costs out of the prices that people pay for craft activities with all profits going to Catherine.

Suitable for all ages, adults and children. Children aged 8+ can be left with us, with a contactable parent nearby,

30 August

Summer Holiday Art Club - Seniors

1 September

Home Ed Taster Day